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Grief Ministry


The Grief Ministry's purpose is to engage in effective outreach by personally reaching out to grieving families that have experienced a major life crisis and offer love, comfort and support.  Grief recovery support groups and seminars are provided to aid with the healing process of losing a loved one.


Chairperson: Deaconess Carole Newton


Music Ministry


The Music Ministry's purpose is to praise, edify, glorify and uplift God through song while setting a spiritual pace and tone for the worship services.  The Sanctuary Choir, Mens Choir and Gospel Choir prepares the congregation to receive the preached word on Sunday.  


Music Ministers:  Sis Lorraine Perry Long, Deacon Larry Taylor, Sis. Guietta Payne 

Asst. Choir Director: Dea. Andre Lacy


Usher Ministry


First Corinthians 12:28 refers to greeters as the ministry of helps. We help the Pastor fulfill the vision God has given him by making those who come through the doors of the church feel at home.  With a warm welcome and pleasant smile, the Usher Ministry serves as the church doorkeepers to ensure that worshippers feel welcome and assist the Pastor by maintaining reverence and order so members and visitors may receive the message.


President:  Bro. Curlee Dickinson


General Mission Ministry

This ministry reaches inwardly to nurture the membership through mission study, education, fellowship and prayer.  it reaches outwardly through personal witnessing and evangelizing as well as help those less fortunate and seeking justice and liberty for all in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


President:  Sis. Ollie Carroll


Youth Department Ministry

Our ministry exists to provide an environment for the youth of Strangers Rest Baptist Church which is conducive to the development of a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.  We will work diligently toward empowering our youth to actively participate in church activities and in their communities while facilitating additional opportunities to encourage their personal and spiritual growth. 


Director:  Sis. Jackie Miller

Sponsor:  Sis. Melwee Minor


Youth Choir Ministry

The purpose of this ministry is to teach children the word of the Lord through song and for them to share the work of God through songs to others as well as represent Strangers Rest through the music ministry.


Director:  Sis. Jackie Sims

Trustees Ministry

Our ministry oversees all business matters related to the church, it's facilities and legal aspects.  In addition, the Trustees Ministry has the responsibility of regular reporting of the church finances and assists with the gift offerings during services.


Chairman:  Bro. Anthony Garner, Jr.


Media Ministry
The Strangers Rest Media Ministry is responsible for enhancing and supporting the Sunday Morning worship experience across several platforms. We create engaging content, interact with online community, we monitor comments and messages, inquiries promote upcoming church events and activities through social media channels. We maintain the website with accurate information. As well as create multimedia presentation that amplify sermons, teachings, and church events.
Chairperson:  Kristi Gaylord Lacy
New Members Ministry

The New Member Orientation Program responds to new converts and transferred individuals who have joined Strangers Rest along with those persons who have requested information about the faith as Baptist believers.  The purpose of this ministry is to to assure that each person who joins Strangers Rest Baptist Church has been evangelized and the fundamental principles of our faith are presented to the new members.


Chairperson:  TBD


Courtesy Ministry

​Our ministry is to help all who come to worship feel joy, sincerity, importance, peace and comfort when they enter the doors of the church.  It is so important that we help everyone feel welcomed.  It is our responsibility to let visitors and members know that we humbly appreciate them fellowshipping with us.


Chairperson:  TBD

Our Ministries

Ministry means service.  All members of Strangers Rest are encouraged to utilize their God given talents by participating in various areas of ministry.
Becoming a member allows you the priviledge of giving service to our Lord and Savior.  

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